First Gallery Offerings
Soon there will be  many images of the objects of our affection.

 'Most Afflicted' , founder Rich Hanson  

'Hot Rod Nite' in Elmhurst Ill. REVOLVO sports fat tires, flames, and Poke Mon!


'Most Afflicted' and Jesse

Heart Throb's heart, the B16 motor

I'll take one of each please. Ouch!

If you guessed Phantom Corsair we like you very much but it's an early 50s Volvo.

Gunnar Andersson"s Volvo flys at Midnight Sun Rally

Most Afflicted's next project is this 210 wagon.

Found this on google. check out the wiper arm's washer attachment.
And is that a heat exchanger on the radiator hose to heat the washer fluid ? !

Joe from Norway who is 4 Ft. 8 5/8 In. tall, spent 7 1/2 years building a 3/4 scale '61 544
just so he could look taller in photos he submits to dating services.

Was a sedan, Now it's a WOODIE ! !! !!! (Done by our friend Bill)

Nice shot from Hemmings Motor News. They say it's a 57, but it MAY be a 58. Do you know why?
If it's obvious to you, you should be in our club. We can forgive the paint on the welting and rubber because this car seems to be driven A LOT!
If you're the lucky owner of this car, you're very lucky!
Our artistic west coast friend Bill came to visit twice with his car sporting two different looks....
This is how the car 'looks' now!!! on the West coast....
Quite a transformation..... He's looking to sell it. Wants to do another one. Should he be stopped? We're not sure.
Bill is resposible for that woodie pictured above. Someone near San Diego has that one now.

We're green with envy over the 61 Volvo of Tom Purvis in the two shots above. See more of Tom's car and much helpful info. on his site at
http://www.sure-vent.com/544sport.htm (Looks like Tom uses his seat belt!)

While you're waiting for more photos, go grease your kingpins!!